
For reasons unknown, enhancing the appearance of the “va-jay-jay” was a hot topic this week. I was most thunderstruck when “vajazzle” was featured in two of my favorite TV shows.

Wanna wax? Go for it.

Brazilian? Go bare, baby.

But vajazzle? What have we come to ladies?

If you’re not familiar with the term vajazzle, here’s the definition from Urban Dictionary:

Do we really need to make it sparkle?

Do we really need to make it sparkle?

 Vajazzle: To give the female genitals a sparkly makeover with crystals so as to enhance their appearance.

I’m stuck on “give the female genitals a sparkly makeover…”

Who decided we needed to be sparkly down there? It’s not like a diamond on your finger you can stare at and enjoy all day.  And chances are, your partner really won’t enjoy the road rash he/she will get from your sparkly lady parts.

I’m sorry, but I have to draw the line here.

I’ll “enhance my appearance” the way I have been doing for more than two decades – I’ll do my ‘do, paint my face, and rock a pair of sexy stilettos. But I WILL NOT vajazzle my va-jay-jay. Ever.

And that’s all I have to say about that.